dimanche 19 septembre 2010

The Highway to Hell ... or Dar es Salaam

As a few of the people who had joined us for the Masai Mara tour was leaving, a few of us ended up drinking more than we should do while playing ridiculously hilarious drinking games, one involving that you don't show your teeth while naming vegetables - try not laughing when someone says "athpawaguth, athpawaguth to cawwot cawwot". I gave up early....that is to say, between midnight and 1h00....but we were getting up at 4h00, so it didn't make much difference.

The drive was looooonnnnngg. 15 hours long. We played cards. We sang. We slept. We ate. We debated about philosophy and theological archeology. We moaned.

We hit Dar around 21h00. Most people chose to upgrade to a small bungalow. Being cheap, I set up my tent for four hours sleep I was to get.

Up early, we got the ferry to Zanzibar which, to my surprise, caused me to suffer from sea sickness. I imagine it was the Lariam messing with my bodily balance, but I'm pretty sure, though not absolutely certain, that the conversation about sea sickness and vomiting didn't help...

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